Toronto General Hospital Concerts - A Legacy

When we first approached the Toronto hospitals for performance, Toronto General was the first hospital to invite us to play as part of their lovely "Music for the Heart and Soul" Series. Pirkko Shalden, head of Volunteer Resources, puts together an astounding array of musicians for one-hour concerts every Thursday from 1-2 pm in the hospital's fourth-floor DeGasperis Conservatory. The acoustics are incredible.
Music Can Heal musicians included: Ram Vakkalanka (sitar), Ann-Marie Boudreau (piano, voice and multi-instruments), Darren Austin Hall (quartz crystal bowls), Mehdi Renzania (Persian santur), Bill Westcott (Ragtime blues, jazz and a short history of some great musicians), Kristin Lindell (acoustic piano and original vocals), Sienna Dahlen (singer songwriter) and Talia Wooldridge (piano).
Ann-Marie has also performed with a number of talented musical guests and poets!
If you would like to see one of these free concerts, please sign up for our mailing list or add us on Twitter or Facebook to stay abreast of upcoming concerts! Or you can always check our home page.
May the music continue!