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​Music Can Heal is a non-profit organization that brings peaceful, healing music to patients in need, be it to their bedside, within a hospital, hospice or to their private residences.
Many of our musicians are internationally acclaimed, award-winning instrumentalists and trained sound practitioners who play their instruments with the intention to heal. Read what the experts are saying about sound and recovery here.
What to Expect During A Performance
Many clients feel a lift of spirits after the performances. Whether a one-time concert or a series to assist with transition, recovery or general well-being, music can and does help to heal our spirits, souls and bodies. We provide private, bedside concerts by trained professionals or general atrium concerts by award-winning musicians.
Watch a video of one of our interactive-educational concerts featuring multi-instrumentalist and educator, Ann-Marie Boudreau, at Mosaic Homecare's 2014 Senior's Month. This is one of many examples of our services. To learn more, please contact us.
To join us as a musician or volunteer your services, click here.
​"Many thanks for organizing and performing the amazing concerts in the Music for the Heart & Soul program at Toronto General Hospital. Everyone truly enjoyed your talented and exciting performances. A special thank you to Ram Vakkalanka, Ann-Marie Boudreau and Darren Austin Hall. I found the "Quartz Crystal Bowls" such a relaxing and healing influence on me and I am sure that the patients felt the same way. All of us found that your concert was highly appropriate in a hospital setting.​"​
- Pirkko Shalden, Volunteer Resources Program Coordinator, Toronto General Hospital
Listen to
our artists. Video by Mustafa Unsal
"The concert on Wednesday was incredible. Thank you for the work that you do – in your organization as well as the beautiful music you create. It was such a privilege to attend."
- Margaret, Attendee, Annual Benefit Concert, 11.11.2015
"I attended your fundraising evening on Wednesday, and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. The love and commitment to healing through music was palpable. And I felt lucky to be in a room with such talented people. Thank you so much"
- Shirley Zussman, Attendee, Annual Benefit Concert 2015
​"I've attended two of your concerts at the Toronto General Hospital Atrium and was amazed at the array of musicians and instruments. My favorite was the hour-long blues and ragtime concert by Bill Westcott! His skill and knowledge of blues, ragtime and jazz was astonishing and a great way to spend my lunch hour. Thanks for all that you do." ~ Audience member, Toronto General Hospital "Heart & Soul" Music Series, November 2012..​"​
- Audience Member, Toronto General Hospital, 2013-4
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